
Bob Fertik, Co-Founder

Bob Fertik co-founded in 2000 as the first online community of progressive Democratic activists, now over 4 million strong. This movement led the resistance to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney starting with protests demanding a statewide Florida recount in 2000. His movement also organized the first protest against the invasion of Iraq at the United Nations on September 12, 2002, and led the impeachment movement in 2005 after the Downing Street Memos proved the invasion was based on Bush's deliberate lies. In 2012, Bob co-founded as the first progressive video network on Facebook. Now livestreams Trump Resistance protests all across the country. In 2016, with the help of a committed team, Bob co-founded #VOTEPROCHOICE to elect pro-choice Democratic candidates at all levels.


Harry Waisbren, Co-Founder and CEO

Harry is a digital video pioneer pushing the envelope of progressive politics and social media as television transitions to the Internet. His innovative outlook has been shaped through the social movements he has had the privilege of participating in from the Trump Resistance, Bernie Sanders 2016, Ready for Warren, Occupy Wall Street and more. Harry believes another world is possible -- but we need a better media to make it!


Brad Gans, Creative Technical Director

Brad knows the power of a story. That is why he is unrelenting in his pursuit to move people through story, media, and technology. In his current role at, he helps to paint the story of activists. His day-to-day role as creative director includes overseeing production of multimedia for's social channels and technical direction of our state-of-the-art livestream system. Brad's background is in researching social policy. He received his Master's Degree from the University of Manchester in England. While living in England, he worked with field researchers and municipalities to understand the impact of illicit drug use on society. Upon returning to the States, he supervised a therapeutic home for foster children. After working on the frontlines of some of society's most pressing issues, he decided to return to his roots in multimedia. He opened up a boutique advertising technology agency that serviced some of the world's biggest brands. While that was fun, it wasn't rewarding. In his spare time he visited Bloombergville and Zucotti Park to be a part of the grassroots movements helping to shape our world. That experience led him to, because he knows another world is possible