We are a progressive media company for political activists.
Our mission is to create media to empower activists in the face of the Trump-dominated corporate-controlled media landscape.
Our specialty is next generation livestreaming and digital strategy supporting the progressive movement.
act.tv's innovative outlook has been forged by the movements we have had the privilege to work with, and we are always seeking to push the envelope as we strive to build the better world (and media) we know is possible.
We have a long track record on the cutting edge of livestreaming and social media extending from Occupy Wall Street to the climate movement, the movement for black lives, the Bernie Sanders campaign, the voting rights fight, and beyond.
act.tv is taking our work to the next level building shows and channels that inform and inspire activism. We recently launched our membership program and jumped onto TV sets to better empower our community.
act.tv often works with partners to amplify important actions and events.
You can find examples of our work and more information about partnering with us on our Services page. And please reach out (activist@act.tv) if you’d like to explore collaborating!
We have recently taken our livestreaming to the next level with Roku, Apple TV, and Fire TV in addition to our social media network.
Check out our channels to join us! Just make sure to #DoMoreThanWatch
Bob Fertik, Co-Founder, @bobfertik
Bob Fertik co-founded Democrats.com in 2000 as the first online community of progressive Democratic activists, now over 7 million strong. He helped lead the resistance to Bush-Cheney starting with protests demanding a full Florida recount in 2000. He organized the first protest against the invasion of Iraq at the UN in 2002, and helped lead the Bush impeachment movement in 2005. In 2012, Bob co-founded act.tv as the first progressive video network on Facebook. In 2016, Bob co-founded #VOTEPROCHOICE to elect pro-choice champions at all levels down to school board.
Harry Waisbren, Co-Founder and CEO, @harrywaisbren
Harry is a digital video pioneer pushing the envelope of progressive politics and social media as television transitions to the Internet. His innovative outlook has been shaped through the social movements he has had the privilege of participating in from the Trump Resistance, Bernie Sanders 2016, Ready for Warren, Occupy Wall Street and more. Harry believes another world is possible -- but we need a better media to make it!
Sandi Behrns, Executive Editor, @SandiBehrns
A writer and digital content creator since 2001, Sandi has worked in both the wonky world of public policy and the punditry of online media. This background, blended with her own innate sense of snark, has formed the recognizable voice of act.tv. Sandi oversees our team of writers, producers, and video editors and is responsible for act.tv's in-house video production. She sets the editorial tone of all our content and ensures act.tv maintains high standards for truth, accuracy, and ethical reporting. Sandi truly believes that an educated public is the key to achieving the change we seek and commits every day to helping that happen.
Brad Gans, Creative Technical Director
Brad knows the power of a story. That is why he is unrelenting in his pursuit to move people through story, media, and technology. In his current role at act.tv, he helps to paint the story of activists. His day-to-day role as creative director includes overseeing production of multimedia for act.tv's social channels and technical direction of our state-of-the-art livestream system. Brad's background is in researching social policy. He received his Master's Degree from the University of Manchester in England. While living in England, he worked with field researchers and municipalities to understand the impact of illicit drug use on society. Upon returning to the States, he supervised a therapeutic home for foster children. After working on the frontlines of some of society's most pressing issues, he decided to return to his roots in multimedia. He opened up a boutique advertising technology agency that serviced some of the world's biggest brands. While that was fun, it wasn't rewarding. In his spare time he visited Bloombergville and Zucotti Park to be a part of the grassroots movements helping to shape our world. That experience led him to act.tv, because he knows another world is possible.
Kelli Daley, Digital Director
Kelli is a writer, activist and media maker living in Brooklyn. Occupy Wall Street changed her life, and helping others discover their own power is her favorite thing.
Matt Arpen, Producer
Matt is a graduate of University of Central Florida’s film & screenwriting program. He has run his own photography & graphic design company for the 13 years, in addition to writing & directing numerous short films with O’Pen Head Films. He first began his political activism following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, making anti-war & anti-Bush Administration posters & street art. He is glad to be a part of the act.tv team & believes we need to do everything we can to leave this world a better place for our kids.
Alex Lawson, Political Director
Alex Lawson contributes a wide range of organizing and business development expertise to act.tv. He is the Executive Director of Social Security Works, a non profit organization fighting to protect and expand Social Security benefits. He is also the co-owner of We Act Radio, a media corporation that combines broadcast and new media to deliver independent progressive voices in the formats people use most. Alex has appeared on numerous TV and radio outlets including FOX News, FOX Business, and C-Span and is a frequent guest host of The Thom Hartmann Program, one of the top progressive radio shows in the country. He is a member of the National Academy of Social Insurance.
Phil Jacobs, Live Streamer
Phil has 30+ years of broadcast TV news experience, including 27 years as a photojournalist at NBC in Washington, DC. -- newsgathering, producing stories and live-remote satellite broadcasts of local, national, and international breaking news events. He covered the tearing down of the Berlin Wall for NBC News. Since 2010, Phil has been Director of Photography at his own company, specializing in video production and communications for labor union-backed and progressive causes and organizations.
Jocelyn Macurdy Keatts, Digital Organizer
Jocelyn Macurdy Keatts is a digital organizer and on camera correspondent for Act TV. She has a degree in psychology, and has had her research published by the American Psychological Association, winning awards for her scientific achievements from the US Army and Yale. Her experience as a field organizer and psychological researcher serve as the basis for her work to mend the social and political riddle which currently divide us. She has prolifically interviewed activists, students, politicians (including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) and celebrities (including Danny Glover), and appeared on CNN, C-Span, The Zero Hour, and TYT. She's written for Newsweek, the Huffington Post, and Time, and looks forward to continuing to cover a brave new generation of political thinkers, organizers, and activists.
Maia Rosenberg, Digital Strategist
Maia is a seasoned digital organizer and activist having worked on a number of campaigns and projects dedicated to progressive causes. As a digital strategist at act.tv, Maia works to coordinate strategy across a number of platforms and partnerships, and you might be able to occasionally catch her on one of our Twitch livestreams. She has previously served as the conference coordinator for the annual Organizing 2.0 digital strategy conference, and was a lead organizer at the District 13 Direct Action House. She holds a certificate in Labor Studies from the Murphy Institute at CUNY, and is currently working on getting a BA in Linguistics from Brooklyn College.
Rebecca Centeno, Video Journalist
Rebecca Centeno is a Mexican-American award-winning documentary filmmaker. Her video work has been featured on Free Speech TV, The Washington Post, Last Real Indians, PAPERMAG, and Deep Dish TV. She is the co-founder of "Reels for Radicals", a screening series by Deep Dish TV and the Paper Tiger TV collective, which highlights the work of political films and creates space for critical dialogue. Her film, "Earth Speaks" (2015, 12min), about fracking on Native American Reservations was featured in The Red Nation Film Festival, Santa Fe Film Festival, San Pedro International Film Festival, South Texas Underground Film Festival, Cinema Verde Environmental Film Festival, and the Green Unplugged Online Film Festival. Rebecca holds a BFA in Film and Television from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and an MFA from the Integrated Media Arts (IMA) Program at Hunter College.
Albert Negrete, Producer
Albert is an award-winning director and producer specializing in live content and broadcast news. He has a journalism background covering politics in the US and Europe in both English and Spanish for several TV and radio stations. Albert's experience as a technical director led him to produce live graphics for major sporting events including the MLB World Series and the World Rugby Championship.
At act.tv, he is a field producer and show director, working together with the production team to create all kinds of multi-camera live content.
Contact us.
For general inquiries and more information about our services, please email us at activist@act.tv or use the contact form.